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To look life in the face, always, to look life in the face. And to know it for what it is. At last to know it, to love it for what it is, and then, to put it away.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008





很显然的,我在新加坡的生活很沉闷,除了看书看戏听歌,真的找不出什么爱好。我不爱逛街或人多的地方,更确切地说,我的脑子一直和我说,新加坡没有什么好玩的地方。所以,除了待在舒适的校园里,我对其他地方根本提不起兴趣。思想上的抗拒,使我失去了解新加坡的机会。当然,这样说就应能推断出我在新加坡的心情写照 -- 苦闷。




I always remember a line from One Tree Hill, "Everthing you do now, shakes your future". I think i am very blessed to have opportunities to live in foreign lands. Every countries i lived, left a mark on me, every little things that i did, shape "Shi Wan".

In Italia, i learnt to appreciate life, or rather, how to live my life. I always knew work life balance will play have great influences in my future and the trip strengthen my belief. Life isn't just about work and money, I need to spare something or some time for myself, to recharge, or to rebuild, maybe even to release. I need to see the world because it's the key thing to keep me going on the long journey of life. I need to feel motivated and inspired, traveling makes me feel so. I want to expand my horizon and be the person that i want or wish myself to be. All these things, can only be done by myself. Me and me only.

China makes me realized that life isn't easy. There are a lot of things in life which are out of our control. How will my life or me turn out in a decade's time, is about the choices i made in life. Good or bad, i need to live with it because i made those decision. I know when i begin to work, things happen around me will make me question my morals or principles. But as i grew older, i've learnt not to judge the so called "good or ugly". I can choose the high roads, but it ain't easy. I don't want to go for the low roads, it's not easy either. All i can do, is to make the best decision on the spot and try not to regret it in future.

In other words, Italy brings out the optimistic me and China teaches me about reality.

What will 2009 give me?? A relationship? A career? Looking forward to it.

Wishing everyone happy new year ^_^


Anonymous said...

Hi all. How are you?

Anonymous said...

How I can download documents from WikiLeaks?
Thank for all