每当回想起那晚的“放浪形骸”,第一个念头是:“天啊!我还有这一天”。清楚意识到当晚我把自己当成了发馊的秽物,something that people threw. Low self-esteem day.
I guess we all had it before, just that i wished that i've treated myself better.
现在脑海里只有Radiohead's High And Dry, 身体脑袋都有点虚脱的感觉。
aww man.. there will always be days when we feel eff-up. i guess it's kinda hard NOT to keep replaying the awful piece of memory again and again - hmm but at least it's not the worst thing that could have happened?
Hahaha my bella, do you actually start missing Maurizio or Matteo? Looks like you are still haunted by the sweetest memory in Italy :p
Well no human is perfect, it's better to screw up once in a while than being under pressure to be the goodie goodie type ... isn't that the way we learn to be a better person?:)
to norven,
ya it was a really bad day hahaha..but i've got over it :) Looking forward to the bright future now :)
To Flora,
I've learnt my lessons, trust me hahaha..
To Kah Yeim,
Come on! Missing Maurizio?? seriously?? haha..
I did screw up and i've learnt. I need to take care of myself more sometimes. And now i know (and everyone knows) i am not really those goodie goodie type!! hahaha..
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