生活在岛国,大家都习惯了炎热的天气,滂沱的大雨,还有拥挤的MRT. 习惯,久了,就渐渐变成麻木,譬如说握着地铁的扶手听着冷漠的女声说“doors are closing”,然后是关门的警示声,再然后是大家尽量不碰及另一人的身体摇摇晃晃跟随列车前进。
习惯到一定的境界,你不会再去思考这句话的意思,同时也自然反射地把这句话放到与之类似的语境下,在不会去检讨它的使用是否合适。就如上星期爸爸将我的行李运到新宿舍,乘搭电梯上楼的时候,一把平静无澜的女声说了“doors are closing”,我也只是很习惯的等着,直到我爸爸说,“英语这么差的啊?只有一道门,可以说doors咩?”
当下我根本不知道问题出在哪里,后来才发现复数形式的使用是错误的,而这种脑筋转不过来的 情况就是“习惯”变成“麻木”的一种体现。
当下我想到了Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist (Alan Clarke 译本)里头说过的一段话:
"When someone sees the same people everyday, as had happened with him (the boy) in the seminary, they wind up becoming a part of that person's life. And then they want the person to change, if someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should live their lives, but none about his or her own."